Dear Little One,
Let me begin by welcoming you to a whole new world. The one you just left was warm, safe, small, and all about you. All of that is about to change. You will be cold. You don't just get food anytime you need it anymore. You'll have to get someone's attention if you want any of that now. Same if you get thirsty. Don't expect a quick drink anytime you want one. You'll have to let someone know you're feeling parched. Don't worry. You'll quickly learn how to get their attention. And hopefully, if they are any good at their role, they will learn for what you're asking. Breathing will be a little different. There will be times when you must fight for your air. Keep your chin up, little one. Things are definitely changing. It's ok. You'll be glad things changed soon. Life would have gotten a little cramped for you otherwise. This is all part of a greater plan for you. And no matter what kind of parents I have given you, know that I love you very very much. You are special to me. If you look to me, I will take care of you. It is I, who created you and wanted you to live. Many mommy's and daddy's will not know I had a role in your creation. They will not understand what I have given to you. But here is our little secret: You are even more than the body and mind you are about to explore.
I chose this very moment for you. Someday you might have the opportunity to learn about history and see just how I've been at work over the last few thousand years. I looked out throughout time, little one, and wanted you to be born right when you did. There was nothing anyone could have done to stop it. You are my plan. My purpose. My most beautiful creation. Everything about you is incredible. And even though it will get harder every day, do not forget these things! They will not change when you're older like your mommy or your mommy's mommy. Do not forget! There is much beneath your skin that I have made work even without your knowledge. Don't worry about these things; they will continue to function as long as I desire them to. It's another wonderful way that I have given you a purpose. You are alive for however long I have chosen for you. Your life is in my hands. You are so special. I am excited about you to be here with me.
Open your little eyes. This world is much bigger. So many new things to see and touch and smell. Only my hand could have done over the last 9-months what just took place. You. Use these next couple years to enjoy learning about this whole new world. I have given you five senses. Taste. Touch. Smell. Sight. Hearing. I think you will take great delight in them. Soak up the experiences. You will enjoy a vast bounty of tastes. Juicy, sweet fruits will make your tongue feel as if it was dancing in the rain (and you will learn the joy of this someday too). Fresh, warm bread melting in your mouth. Cheeses. Meats. Nuts. Oh, and I cannot wait till the day you first try ice cream! You will learn very quickly that your entire body is covered with something called "feeling." Explore. You will appreciate this sense very much. Carpet. Grass. Hard. Soft. Rough. Smooth. Warm. Cold. I created it that your "feeling" is most stirred by the skin of another person. This was one of my greatest creations. You will need it the rest of your life. You will find that I have given almost everything its own unique smell. Enjoy them. Flowers are one of my favorites. I hope you like them too. Someday, you might be sitting in a room, typing on a computer, and you will smell the most pleasant smell coming from another room altogether: A cake baking! Oh the excitement! Little one, I have given you two eyes. With these, you will soon learn just how big the world really is. Everything has its own shape. I love variety. You will soon see. You will see that I am quite the painter. I absolutely adore color and have used it everywhere. This I have done simply for your enjoyment. Just wait till you see your first sunset. Breathtaking! Reds. Blues. Yellows. Greens. Oranges. Purples. Pinks. Blacks. Browns. Whites. Color will play a very big role in the world I am bringing you into. Just remember this, little one, all colors come from me and none is better than the next. Take in everything that you see. And remember who made it. I am about beauty. You will see. Oh the beauty of everything. Haha! Get's me excited. Just understand however, some things you see you will not like. This is where it gets hard. You must be very careful what you see. If you're not, you will only be letting more pain into your life. I will help you with this one, if you ask. Last but not least, little one, I am about to show you the full sense of hearing. You have been hearing things for awhile now. Muffled sounds. People talking to you. Maybe you heard a song or two. It gets sweeter. Various things in the world you're entering give off all kinds of sounds. Some sounds you will enjoy. Some you will not. Oh, I do hope you enjoy music. Anything can be used to make music. Music has a very special place in this world. Oh, I do enjoy when people use music for me! If you get to make music, little one, will you make it for me? Oh please do! It makes me smile to hear my little ones making music. But just like sight, this one can be used for bad too. So be careful what you hear. Unfortunately, you will find that it is through hearing that people hurt each other the most. Just be careful, little one. I created these five senses for your enjoyment and to help you learn about me and about how I made you. Be careful with all of it. And do not forget where it came from. Through these five senses, many people who do not know me have hurt the world and continue to hurt the world. It is not an easy thing, growing up in this world. You will need me every step of the way.
And now I have called you out. Out of safety. Out of warmth. And into my plan for you. Listen very closely, little one, for I am about to speak something into your precious little ears: The world I am calling you out into will not be a safe place. You will feel hurt. You will scrap your knee many times. You will feel heat and burn your skin. Bugs will bite you. You will be afraid of them. Bees will sting. You'll cringe at the sound of their little bodies in flight. There will be one which moves slowly around on eight legs. The sight of these will make your body freeze in fear. But remember this quick tip: shoes work great! Oh, you'll learn about shoes soon enough, little one. There are bigger things than just bugs that you'll fear too. Things of all shapes and sizes. Animals with many sharp teeth. Big things that move fast. Scary noises. And as you grow, even thoughts in your mind will send terror through your little body. Do not be afraid. There are many things that you could be afraid of, but pay them no attention. Because I am going to be there right beside you. Do not forget, you will need me every step of the way.
I do believe it is time for me to introduce myself. I go by many names. I have found it difficult to express all that I am with just one name. To many people, I am simply God. I am he, yet many do not understand the meaning behind what they say. It is used too often; understood too little. You'll hear some of my names used by people for other means. Be careful how you use my names. All I want, my dear little one, is for you to understand who I am. I want you to desire me. That you may best understand me in your young, wonder-filled mind, you may call me: Cord. You understand this well. Not too long ago a cord connected your body to your mother's. This cord brought food and nutrients into your little body. It was your connection with your mother. It sustained your life. This is who I am. I am your sustaining life. I give everything you need to grow and live. I give you food, drink, breath, I gave your heart the little spark it needed to begin. I am the everlasting cord. When a person forgets who sustains their life, they die. Just as you would have died without the cord connected to your mother's body. Remember my name for the rest of your life, even after the scare has healed from the last cord being severed. I will never be severed from you. That is why I called myself the everlasting cord. I will not be cut off. The life sustaining that I offer is always yours to have, so long as you seek me for it. But remember again, little one, a life apart from their source of life is no longer a life. You will die apart from me. I am Cord. Oh little one, I am so excited to share with you all about myself.
I am your Maker. Your Crafter. I dreamed you up and put my hands to work, selecting from only the best of ingredients. I sat down in my workshop and pieced you together. I did this with all of creation. Because the story is bigger than just you. It began long ago. In a garden. The most beautiful garden ever made. Oh little one, I do hope you enjoy this story. It is my favorite.
It was long ago. In the beginning. The beginning of all things. Except for me. I was before the beginning. The earth was not yet formed. I stepped into the picture. Sitting down at my design table, I thought up every nook and cranny that I wanted created. I wrote down all the words I wanted to speak.
I opened my mouth. Words came flying out. My words became light where no light had existed. Flame ate up the darkness, forcing a distinctive line between where light and dark would now live. I stopped what I was doing and looked, staring at what I had just done and liked it very much. This was the first day I recorded. The first day of days. Time began right here.
The next day, speaking again, the words became sky shooting from every corner of my mouth. I had this perfect design for water above and water below and needed to separate them. My words went out and pushed a space between the two waters – waters above and waters below. I liked my design. This was the second day I recorded.
The third day, speaking again, my words went out from my mouth in power and became land. The water below I knew should be nicely complemented by dry ground. And so my words did as I instructed them. I now had water and land below. It was perfect. But I wasn't finished. I had more planned for this day. My words continued to come out from my mouth and now on this dry ground came green plants of many kinds, each with the capability of producing more of their own very kinds. It was wonderful. Live plants that would keep producing and growing. Trees, bushes, flowers, shrubs – all beautiful and perfect. I very much liked what I had just created. This was the third day I recorded.
The fourth day, I opened my mouth and out came sources for the light from the first day. I wanted to separate the light from the darkness into timeframes – a light for the day and a light for the night. By this day and night, all time would be measured – hours, days, weeks, months, and years – and also four seasons would have rules to instruct them. A large ball of fire came shooting from my mouth. I called this ball of fire the sun and gave it strict instructions to give off light during what would be the day. Also, the moon, not as bright as the sun, came shooting from my mouth and would be my light for the night. I set these, sun and moon and also stars, in the sky from the second day. Oh, how I liked how it was all coming along so perfectly. This was the fourth day I recorded.
The fifth day, I opened my mouth and from it came fish and birds of all kinds. Wonderful, colorful fish of all kinds came shooting from my mouth and into the water below, filling it. Also, perfect, graceful flying creatures called birds came shooting from my mouth to fill the sky with their image. I told all these fish and birds, continue to make more of yourself – lots and lots more! Never stop. And they won't. They are always making more. It's beautiful. I am so excited about what I have made today. This was the fifth day I recorded.
The sixth day, oh how I love telling about the sixth day, I opened my mouth and the words became animals of all kinds on the ground. So many animals everywhere! And so many different kinds. Big animals, small animals, furry animals, smooth-skinned animals, blue animals, red animals, black animals, white animals, animals with 2-legs, 4-legs, and even no legs. Oh, how I love variety. Then I opened my mouth again and the words became a man. This creation was special to me. There was something extraordinary I had planned for this one. I put pieces of myself into the man – hardwired it into his craftsmanship so that he could not rid himself of its existence. After some time passed, I made the man fall asleep – it wasn't hard since he'd been busy giving names to all my other creation – and then I took a bone from his chest to make a very special helper, a beautiful woman to walk beside the man and to compliment who I had made him to be. I finished by telling the man and woman to have more of their kinds. Lots more. And then we walked. I walked with the man and woman and placed them in the most beautiful part of my creation, a garden called Eden. I looked out over everything I created and it was very good. I like it all, but especially the man and the woman. This was the sixth day I recorded.
The seventh day, I planned that no more words would come from my mouth. I laid down on my couch to rest from all my work in creating the world and everything my words went out to do. This was a special day and would be forever more. The day when I rested.
You understand rest, don't you little one? You love sleep. I designed your body to need lots of sleep right now. It has been a long day. I will let you rest now. But tomorrow, I will tell you more about myself and how much I love you. And I do. I do love you, little one. Do not forget. I made you – spoke you into existence just like man and woman when I created the world. You are special just like them too. And I love you. Your Cord loves you and wants you to rest now. Goodnight, little one.