This is the story of two. Or at least a part of the story of two. Anything left out of the story pre-dating the time period for this story should be considered important, but not to be focused upon for our purposes. This really is quite the story. Let us jump right in. We pick up the story here:
"Two began walking. Two doesn't realize at first what is happening. Two just begins walking (two already said that). Two doesn't know where two is heading. But two knows that two is not in control. Because… One is. Two takes step after step. Two follows the path laid out for two. Two sees many exciting things along the way – though not always happy with what two is seeing, everything is exciting. The path twists and bends. At times, two feels as though two has been down this road before – seen this sight before. But two keeps walking, knowing that this is all new for two. Two asks One where One is taking two? One asks two to simply keep walking and believe that One knows what One is doing. With every step, two has a choice to make: two can keep walking or turn and leave the path. It's two's choice. And with every step into the unknown, two feels more and more excited for where this path is leading two.
Along the path, two comes to various bridges marked with words telling two where two is. Every bridge means something new for two. The first bridge reads: Friendship. This bridge came very early on for two. Two likes where the path takes two after walking across Friendship Bridge. Many questions fill two's mind after crossing this first bridge. Good questions. Questions that help two figure out who two is. Two learns a lot.
The next bridge that two comes to reads: Trust. Two walks hesitantly across Trust Bridge. Two is sure that two has been here before and quite often it ended in some sort of pain for two. But two is trying to honor One's word to keep walking. Two keeps walking. Nothing bad is happening this time for two. Yes, two keeps walking! Two picks up a little speed. Two is trusting. The view along this path is absolutely beautiful – and getting more and more beautiful with each step. All the loveliest looking and smelling flowers lie near the path. Two smiles. Two slows a little to take it all in and realizes that perhaps two was rushing a bit too much. "Slow down two, no need to rush," whispers One to two.
Two approaches the next bridge. Two reads the word: Affection. At least a part of two feels a little nervous at Affection Bridge. Two feels like two's been here too. Two is careful with two's steps. Two doesn't want to mess anything up after this bridge. Two is still excited for what One is doing. Two asks One for help with where to step after this last bridge? Two could easily step off the path – looking around two sees many easy-offs. Two thinks some of them look very fun and exhilarating. But One encourages two to keep walking down the path two is on. One promises something more amazing than anything two is seeing along the path right now. Two remains careful to stay focused. Two still wants to honor One, even if some of these easy-offs do look fun.
Two has made it to the next bridge: Unlocked. Two doesn't completely understand this bridge just yet. And come to think of it, two doesn't think the bridge looks very safe to walk over. Two realizes that two must rely on trust with this bridge. Unlocked Bridge wasn't easy to cross. Two must really search deep within who two is after crossing this bridge. Two finds out some new things about two. Some things aren't real fun. But two knows two must keep walking. Two asks One for lots of help with where to go. Although two has discovered some things two didn't like, two also found out some things about two that two really liked. Really really liked! Two is doing just fine. Two keeps walking where One asks two to walk. Nice job, two! "Good thing for Trust Bridge", two thinks to twoself.
Here comes the next bridge for two to cross: Serving. Two must use what One has done already in two's walk to bless others. Not too difficult. But two still asks One for help on where and how to step after this bridge. It isn't always easy for two to look beyond twoself. But two must serve others with who two has become.
One stops two along the path and says to two, "Two, look where you have been. Look where I have taken you so far. You are doing so well. You have really grown this time, two. I am very proud of you. Keep stepping where I ask you to step and you'll continue on this marvelous little journey. I am here for you, two."
Once two begins walking again, the next bridge arrives quickly, but by no means hastily: Love. After the words of encouragement from One, two is ready for this bridge. Two recognizes Love Bridge. But this time around, two thinks it looks a little different. And with good reason. In the past, two tried to make it to this bridge before many of the others – skipping the other bridges, doing whatever two could to make it here as fast as two could. Two would succeed in making it here, but it never seemed to work out. Two had been hurt many times before on this path. But for some reason, and because of the word just spoken by One, two is not scared. Two crosses Love Bridge. The beauty surrounding two is absolutely breathtaking. Yes, things are definitely different this time around. And two is beside-twoself joyous! Two stops for a moment to whisper a "thank you," to One for bringing two this far. Two knows that two couldn't have done it without One. Two walks this path for awhile.
Finally, two is approaching the next bridge: Commitment. Two is so excited now. This is a big bridge to cross. Two can barely see across. But after seeing where two's been, and knowing that One is there beside two, two presses on and crosses the long Commitment Bridge. Two understands the meaning of this bridge – that there is no turning back. And two is excited. Ecstatic! As two makes the final steps to finish this bridge, the deepest, purest feeling of peace finds its way into two. Two is at rest in what One has done in two. Two simply smiles. What else is there for two to do? Two hears clapping and, looking around, realizes where the clapping is coming from: One. One is clapping two on. Cheering on two in all that two has done and where two has been. The clapping drowns out all else. And it makes two all the happier. Knowing that One is near.
Two is still walking. But it isn't long now. Not long before all that two has become will be, in a single, final bridge, fully made known. This final bridge needs more than a single word. One word could not fully express all that this bridge will mean for two. The bridge reads: Joining-Crescendo. Simply the thought of this bridge gives two goosebumps. In one final crossing, two becomes something new. Two will be made new, shown new. Two will even be given a new name. Two enters onto this final bridge not looking back. Everything has been pointing to this final bridge from the start. The moment… when… two… becomes one! Exhilarating! Following every other bridge two has crossed, this bridge is beyond words incredible. One looks on from where One is as One's creation, this being two, has become one. One cannot help but smile. All along, One had been planning this for two. One knew it would happen. One simply waited for the day when two let One have the pen and paper. And once that happened, there was no turning back for two, who is now one. This is the journey of two. This is the journey of two becoming one.
The End… of two
The Beginning… of one."
I like this one the BEST!!!!! You did a great job on it. I will have to say that every time you said bridge, i though of the covered bridges. This one really touched my Heart. Made me think hard and look deep inside me. I was smiling in the end though. :)
I actually wrote this months ago. It took me a long time to work up the guts to try it on here. I honestly barely remembering writing it. God must have had my hands! But I am glad you liked it. Thank you for commenting.
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