Friday, January 2, 2009

Dick Clark Eating Wheaties...

Hey hey...
I am still here. Things have just been insane. I will have to fill you in later, but believe me when I say I just have been busy and writing a blog has been low on my "to-do" list.
But Happy New Year!
I am so excited for what God has going on this year. There will be rainy days and blue-sky days. People may come and people may go, but God is forever, yo! No, but really I am looking forward to all that is already set out for the year. New adventures will be had. Places never before seen by Nat's eyes will be discovered. And I will learn new things about relationships and love and sacrifice and trust and and and... I guess I am just ready! Ready for a new year. And ready for a new day. We only get "new years" once a year; but everyday we get a "new day." Imagine if we treated each morning with the same wonder and excitement surrounding New Years. I don't mean the parties, sparkling grape juice, midnight kisses, and Dick Clark. I am talking the wonder of the new. We feed off new -- eating it for breakfast like a bowl of Wheaties! And yet we're given a "new" each morning. Let's make each "new" a good one and strive to honor God each and every day!
I wish you the best "new" ever!
Happy New Year... Day... Hour... Minute... Second... Breath!
Much Love,

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