Tuesday, November 4, 2008


What is the fear of the Lord?
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
I would like to hear some thoughts. I have been thinking about this topic for a couple days now. I have lost the fear. "Come here Fear... come here. Sit... sit... good Fear. Now, who are you and what do you want with me?" When I thought for a moment that perhaps I have lost the fear of the Lord, the ground seemed to open up before me and a huge fire-breathing, black-silhouetted, Chihuahua-looking, winged creature rose up and, looking me up and down, snubbed its three heads, turned to give me his back in a sort of "I am better than you sort of way," and headed back down into the deep darkness from whence it came. I think that God is asking me to fear Him again. I have asked Him to help me fear Him.
What happens when we lose the fear of the Lord?
What happens when we do fear Him?


Heather Anne Smiles said...

So I Will Tell You Who I am Really but Before I do, I Want to Know Why You Want to Know?

Heather Anne Smiles said...

Well I do Have to say that I Thought You Knew Who I Was Cause You Do and Maybe You Just Have Not Put it Together. I Think That Names Are Good Too But I Also Wanted Something That is Though And Though Me!!

Heather Sprick
PS I Have Been Thinking To Change it But Not Sure